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Getting The Reps In

Making good wildlife content - blogs, social media posts, photography (both taking pictures and editing them), or videos - takes a lot of practice. If you don't practice your craft then you will lose those skills. A few years back, I...

The Killer Awoke Before Dawn

Out here in the mean streets of suburbia, something has been doing some killing. At least once a month, I'll find a hollowed out rabbit or random lagomorph limbs out in my lawn. Who is doing this mass murdering? The list of suspects...

Pittsburgh Game Drives

I used to piss so much excellence. I went on adventures to see glamorous and sexy beasts, I made all kinds of great wildlife content, and I used to write prolifically. Then, it all stopped. The pandemic, grad school, being an...

Murder Most Fowl

As homesteader chickens go so to goes their predators. I recently received on outreach from someone that felt that a fisher was vexing their chickens. Fishers were once extirpated in Pennsylvania, but have started to recolonize the Commonwealth migrating in WV and NY in...

Is This Thing Still On?

Testing. Testing. One-Two-...Three? It's been years since I've posted. In those years, this site became derelict. It's been hacked. The theme broke and stayed broke for months. This site was unused, unmaintained, and, honestly, at times it was unwanted....

Hang In There!

Last year was a brutal year. This year didn't start-off any better. With lots of folks in the US vaccinated, life is slowly starting to creep back to normalcy. Thank goodness! For those of us that prioritize adventuring to see kick-ass wildlife, not to mention the...

Adjusting My Photography Game Plan

I went into Kenya (I was there in August, 2020) with what I thought was a solid photography game plan: shoot in manual, keep the shutter speed dialed up (for fast moving sexy beasts), and adjust ISO/aperture as needed for light balancing. ...

The Audacity Of This B****!

Behold, the regality of her ladyship, the Queen Cheetah (no relation to King Cheetah, which is an actual melanistic trait that very rarely manifests in cheetahs and I would love to see one day). She surveys her vast realm from atop a termite...

Flesh Eater’s Ball

In August, I was lucky enough to be one of the first, if not the first, Americans allowed back into Kenya after they reopened from their covid lockdown. While in-country, we traveled to the Olare Motorogi Conservancy in western Kenya: home to...

Cristina Mittermeier Appreciation Post

Today, I had the great fortune of listening to a Zoom call (brought to you by the wise wizards of Beneath The Waves) with NatGeo superstar, conservation champion, and all around bad ass Cristina Mittermeier. She was awesome in the ways that you...