Every lazy piece of crap with no discernible talent on the Internet wants to fall ass-backwards into a metric fuck-ton of followers on social media.
Hi, I’m Jamie DeHart, and I’m said lazy piece of crap with no discernible talent on the Internet.
If you scan my socials, it’s around 500 followers on pretty much all mediums. That is, except, for YouTube.
Of the 68 videos that I have uploaded, most have barely been seen by anyone not equal to me. However, there is one video of a chimp walking erect that been seen almost <checks notes> 16 million times.
A chimp walking erect as in bipedal. Not with an erection. Although, he did have a soft chub so maybe that counts. Maybe people are checking out that video to see a chimp with a red-rocket. Who knows? Regardless, that is a lot of views.
This is the video in question…
And with the success of this video I have somehow gained over 22,000 followers.

This is the classic definition of falling ass-backwards into Internet success. What have I donne to capitalize on this amazing audience? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.
For a variety of reasons, as my profile on YouTube rose I just disappeared. Imposter Syndrome? Yes. Scared to make piss-poor content that will drive these people away? Yes. Head up my ass? So very yes.
I’d like for this blog to be about how I’m overcoming my own bullshit to be absolutely amazing. It’s not. It’s just a blog reciting my dumbness. And, maybe, just the very act of writing this blog is willing myself out of the miasma. No, seriously.
I’m going to write myself out of the miasma.
YouTube followers, hopefully I will see you soon on the other side of the miasma.