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How Does A Micro Blog Make Money?

Hello to thee, funky fresh reader! This blog is a break from the usual nature stuff to speak on, well, blogging.  Mainly, how do micro-blogs like this one cobble together enough pennies to stay online? Option 1:  Amazon Associates Amazon, being at the forefront of everything related...

You’ll Never Catch Me, Federales!

As noted in a previous blog, Triple Check Your Dates Or Get Deported From Mexico, I was venturing into my shark trip with a big question mark - that question mark being would the Mexican maritime authorities let me onto the shark boat?  This...

This Week In Nature November 19

I'm back from a couple of weeks of adventuring that has prevented me from writing this "weekly" blog.  Blogs about those adventures are forthcoming.  For now, there is one gigantic nature related story that I want to discuss. Earlier in the week, you can read...

Triple Check Your Dates Or Get Deported From Mexico!

I pride myself on being a master at planning an adventure.  When I've spent time and money to be in an exotic location I expect things to go as planned.  I mean, that is always how it works.  Until today. If you have been to...

This Week In Nature October 22nd

Once again, back is the incredible The rhyme animal, the uncannible D, Id Eco Super-Eco, number one!! In this week in nature... Soul Crushing Conservation News Just look at this bleakness... Brent Stirton won the London natural history museum's 2017 photograph of the year for that bit of poached gruesomeness....

Malaria Medication Review: Doxycycline and Malarone

Traveling to bad ass places to see bad ass animals will eventually put you in the vicinity of exotic new diseases.  Diseases that will fuck your shit up if you don't take precautions. When it comes to the king of tropical diseases, gonorrhea...I mean malaria,...

This Week In Nature October 15th

This is a new weekly (or when I get around to it) feature of this here blog where I recap some of the best nature stories found on the web.  And before you get on me about what the preview picture has to do...

Freak Bitches: Lion Panty Sniffers

lion flehman response
Look, I don't know how else to say this, but animals are a bunch of freak-bitches. Just to prove that I'm not some phony-jabroni out here talking all of that smack on animals I'll lay out the evidence using lions as the example so that...

Escaped Wrasslin’ Gator Becomes My Hero

Once upon a time, sweet, sweet reader, I was strutting around the Everglades in a crisp pair of cut-offs and my best top-hat.  I was looking goooooood!!!  And in my state of high fashion (entendre intended as I had recently done some bath salts)...

My Favorite Instagram Profiles For Nature

On any given day, I strut around with 9 or 10 whiskeys in me thinking that I'm all big pimpin' with a mad tight nature game. Hell, I'll tell anyone that will listen, or I can force into being a captive-audience, that I am a...