Bare Ass Bear (Craptacular Photo Therein)
Never ever ever in my long legged life have I ever seen a bear.
You know what is extra dumb about that? I live in a place, western Pennsylvania, that is absolutely lousy with bears.
Never saw one!
Oh, I've seen a...
Tip For Amateur Underwater Photography: Color Correction
For those of you sweet devils that want to get mixed up in the underwater photography game I'm going give you a tip...
Water filters out part of the visible light spectrum. It starts with red, goes to orange, then yellow...Okay, it's Roy G....
Austin Gallagher: The Pope Of Awesome-Town
Who doesn't like to meet celebrities?
I do too, but only if they are science educator celebrities. I'll take them from any field of science and any medium of education.
And do you know who is a cool AF science educator...
Beneath The Waves: Shark Research In Action
Shark lads!
Get your shark lads here!
Check out these swashbuckling shark lads from the NGO known only as Beneath The Waves!
Beneath The Waves
Want a sweet mission statement on what exactly Beneath The Waves is about? Of course you do!
The Pain Of Wildlife Travel
Wildlife travel isn’t like flying to Switzerland and staying at the Waldorf (I don’t even know if there is a Waldorf in Switzerland, and I’m too lazy to check, but you get my point).
For wildlife travel you are generally going to be in a...
Id Eco Super-Eco Merch
Peeps, in the next week I'll be leaving for the Bahamas to do some shark research while a production crew films it. I figured that in case I get on camera it would be a good opportunity to pimp this here blog. ...
GoPro Bows To The Might Of The Briny Deep
Show of hands if you knew that GoPros fail at a depth of 33 feet and greater.
Yeah, I didn't know that either.
I was recently doing an advanced NAUI scuba certification in the gorgeous Floridian dive haven known as Blue Grotto.
NatGeo, Shark Research, & Me
Every once in a while I fall ass-backwards into something awesome.
This ass-backward awesome came in the form of stalking someone on Instagram.
Oh, you were under the impression that stalking people never yielded positive results? You just haven't stalked enough people, you...
Lightroom Makes Everything Better
All of my long-legged the only time I had ever edited a photo was on the Instagram.
One fancy AF photography class later and I'm all drunk on power and Colt 45 thinking that I can edit photos on the big stage. ...
Photography Classes
Being a monkey with a camera, I decided to take a couple of photography courses to attempt to evolve into an ape with a camera.
Today was my first class at Missy Timko's Powder Blue Photography.
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Upon arriving at Missy's front door I really...